Unconscious Bias - Part 2, CLE
Date: Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Time: 12:00Noon - 1:30PM
Location: Virtual, details sent day prior to event.
In a continuation of the topic Unconscious Bias offered at the Annual Professional Development Day in June, this interactive workshop with Evelyn Bradley from Bradley Consulting will explore microaggressions and conscious bias awareness as we delve into the impact v. the intent behind crafting an intentional law practice. Attendance at Part 1 is not a prerequisite for Part 2.

Price: $115.00 ($100 + $15 HST) per person attending/viewing
Payment is due at time of registration and may be paid by e-Transfer to lawsociety@lspei.pe.ca or cheque payable to the Law Society of PEI
Registration Deadline: Friday, October 18th, 2024
Virtual connection details will be provided October 21, 2024 to registered participants.
Registration Form