I.R.A.C. Planning Appeals CLE
Date: Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Time: 1:00PM - 2:30PM
Location: Law Society of PEI, Education Centre
The joint LSPEI / CBA-PEI CLE Committee is hosting a panel on “Planning Appeals” on February 19 from 1:00 to 2:30 pm, approved for CPD. The Panel will discuss the appeal process before IRAC on Planning Act appeals relating to land use, including municipal and ministerial planning decisions.
The Panel is comprised of:
  • Jessica Gillis, General Counsel to IRAC;
  • Iain McCarvill, counsel to municipalities and developers
  • Melanie McKenna, counsel to municipalities and developers
  • Meaghan Hughes, Moderator
The Panel will discuss pre-hearing appeal processes, the conduct of a hearing, and recent developments in planning appeals at IRAC.

    CBA Member: $120.00 + HST = $138.00
    Non-CBA Member: $150.00 + HST = $172.50
Payment is due at time of registration and may be paid by e-Transfer to lawsociety@lspei.pe.ca or cheque payable to the Law Society of PEI.

PLEASE NOTE - In person attendance is now full. Virtual attendance will be available at a price of $75.00 + HST = $86.25.
If space opens up for in person attendance, you will be notified.

Registration Deadline: Friday, February 14, 2025

CLE Cancellation Policy: Registrants who cancel within two weeks but more than twenty-four (24) hours before the CLE will receive a fifty per cent (50%) refund and will be entitled to receive a copy of any CLE materials. Registrants who cancel within 24 hours of the CLE or who do not show will not be refunded any portion of the registration fee, but the registrant will be entitled to receive a copy of the CLE materials.