Artificial Intelligence Part 2, CLE
Date: Thursday, April 24, 2025
Time: 12:00Noon - 1:30PM
Location: Law Society of PEI, Education Centre
This session will continue the June 2024 AGM’s discussion on the impact of Artificial Intelligence on the practice of law.  Tom Sutton and Iain McCarvill will share how they use AI in their practices. The new AI Guidelines developed by the Ethics Committee and approved by Council, pending the offering of this session, will also be introduced and reviewed.
This CLE will take place on Thursday, April 24, 2025, 12:00Noon – 1:30PM in the Law Society’s Education Centre with a virtual attendance option. In person participation is limited to 25 people who are welcome to bring a brown bag lunch, drinks will be provided.
Price: $75 + HST =$86.25 per person attending/viewing.
Payment is due at time of registration and may be paid by e-Transfer to or by cheque payable to the Law Society of PEI.
Registration Deadline: Friday, April 18th, 2025.
Virtual connections details will be provided on Wednesday, April 23, 2025, to registered participants.

CLE Cancellation Policy: Registrants who cancel within two weeks but more than twenty-four (24) hours before the CLE will receive a fifty per cent (50%) refund and will be entitled to receive a copy of any CLE materials. Registrants who cancel within 24 hours of the CLE or who do not show will not be refunded any portion of the registration fee, but the registrant will be entitled to receive a copy of the CLE materials.

Registration Form

Sessions ( Please check all you will be attending )

  • In Person Attendance
  • Virtual Attendance